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Thursday, April 15, 2010


Happy New Year…well, kind of. The New Moon, and Aries, both concern beginnings. Though the spring equinox is when the astrological year is renewed, the New Moon in Aries launches the first of twelve lunar cycles. It is the optimal time to launch new projects or to actively declare one’s intentions. Whatever is put into motion now will be growing on some trajectory towards its realization. Having passion, decisiveness and clarity are the keys to manifestation.
Maintaining this level of empowerment is crucial as there are plenty of challenges in the current astrological climate. With Saturn exactly opposed Uranus, structures are destabilizing in order to reform. New realities are becoming concretized; tensions between conservative and progressive are heightened. The old guard needs to make room for new innovations. Those who are able to light the way forward must summon the courage to lead. If not, we may feel anxious, disempowered, and find ourselves wondering what is going to collapse next. The wave of earthquakes happening around the globe reminds us that the ground is indeed shifting. We can approach it with strength or fear.
The North Node of the Moon tells us what we need to be striving for. As it currently resides in Capricorn, we are being called to get serious about creating new structures and to mature from emotional patterns that inhibit effectiveness. With Saturn in Virgo, this is a time to be focused, steadfast and specialized with honing new skills and potential contributions. Then, we can each play a part in creating more sustainable and conscious ways to live on this planet. If not, we may fear that it’s too late, we’re passing the tipping point, and only consequences and hardships await us.
With Pluto in Capricorn, the status quo of operations is ready to be completely transformed. This time frame will usher in complete facelifts to the dominant power structure. Outmoded methods, paradigms and even institutions will be collapsing. The question being asked is, "What do we want to build?" At this New Moon in Aries, the onus of responsibility is on every individual to play a role. What’s yours?
The times will be a’changin in a big way these next several years. At this moment in the process, we can meet these challenges with will, direction and power. It’s time to work hard and ultimately be satisfied with our efforts, or clamor in anxiety as the earthquakes continue to rumble the ground. Soul Vision is available to assist you in finding clarity of purpose in these most uncertain times.
Eric & Sajit

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