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Monday, January 18, 2010

We are Haiti

The stories and images of the suffering in Haiti are heartbreaking, and the grief can feel overwhelming. As our collective heart is broken open, awareness is growing that “We are the World”. We are Haiti. We are the grieving, the homeless, the wounded, the hungry and thirsty. And we are the hands that reach out to offer food, support, and comfort.

This month, humanitarian ideals come into focus, with Sun, Venus, Mercury, Chiron, and Neptune traveling through the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius attunes us to the energies of the collective. We sense the interconnectedness of all people, regardless of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. Neptune elicits compassion and selflessness. Chiron brings awareness of what needs healing. And, in this time of great need, Aquarian modalities such as the World Wide Web, television, and cell phones are being used to share information, raise awareness, and gather resources from the global community. My colleague Amber Gray, a Somatic and Creative Arts Therapist who has worked in Haiti, suggests some ways to help the Haitian people:

Our Inner Resources
While Aquarian technologies can bring the suffering of the world so swiftly into our homes, we need ways to process the emotions that arise. The earthquake happened during the recent eclipse period, involving the Nodes in Capricorn (structural support and institutions) and Cancer (heart and home). Pluto was also a strong factor in these eclipses, bringing up themes of death, destruction, and regeneration. Let’s look at ways to cultivate the inner resources of our hearts and spirits, so we can tend to our emotions during this time of upheaval.

Prayer and meditation are two ways of connecting with Source/God/Spirit/All That Is and accessing inner peace, compassion, and unconditional love. You may already have a form of prayer or meditation that you are comfortable with, or you may want to try a Buddhist practice called Tonglen. Tonglen helps us connect with the suffering of ourselves and others, move beyond our fear and resistance to suffering, and create space for love and compassion to flow through us. Find instruction here:

Our own bodies and our breath are also great resources. Take a few moments to breathe fully...following your inhale all the way to it's natural point of fullness, and then following your out breath all the way to completion. Use the exhale to let go...letting go of physical or emotional tension....letting go into gravity and feeling the support of the earth beneath you. Be gentle and patient with your need to force an extra large breath if that's not comfortable.

Physical movement is an effective way to move stuck emotional energy. Put on some soothing music, and allow your body to move with your breath...try extending your arms outward on the inhale and releasing with the exhale. Tai Chi and Qi Gong are examples of gentle movement exercises that coordinate with the breath. Or just put on whatever kind of music feels good, and let your body move with the rhythm and flow of the music. Feel free to make vocal sounds as you move.

Appreciation is another natural resource. Don't feel guilty that you have a home and food on the table while others are homeless and hungry. Rather, give thanks that you are safe and well-fed. Appreciate the small things in life...the everyday miracles...the smile of a child...the silhouette of tree branches against the winter sky...the tastes of a healthy meal. The more we are able to appreciate and cultivate our own inner and outer resources, the more love and energy we have to share with those who are in need.

So, eat, breathe, pray, smile, dance, make love, and share your love with the world, in whatever ways make sense to you. May all beings be free of suffering.
Peace! Sajit Greene, MA